
Hi, my name is Jason Shultis, founder of J|S Design & Management. I received my degree in engineering from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln in 2018. I’ve spent the majority of my career as a design engineer in the equipment industry before moving into commercial construction as a project manager. In my current role I’m responsible for managing construction projects from start to finish. This includes design approval, creating scopes of work, and contractor bidding to determine the overall budget. Once the project is approved, I work with the contractors to manage the construction schedule, budget, and project documentation. When I’m not working, I love spending quality time with my wife, Taryn, and golden retriever, Riley. I also enjoy spending time on the lake, grilling, playing cornhole with friends, and I’ve been known to play basketball from time to time.

What makes J|S Design & Management different from the competitors? My answer to that is “patience.” During the design phase I don’t rush my clients to make decisions nor do I make one for them. Instead, I lay out a road map with alternative options for my clients to think over. I want my clients to be very engaged throughout the design phase. I’ll go through as many iterations as it takes for my clients to reach their dream design. My project portfolio covers interior home design and exterior home design. Whether my clients are looking for a new kitchen, bathroom, deck, or home addition, I can help bring it to life. Throughout the design process I conduct in person design reviews so each of my clients can give me their feedback in real time. Once the design is achieved, I provide my clients a professional design package with detailed drawings, 3D model, and scope of work.

Why are such detailed designs important? My answer is simple, “It directly communicates what the client envisions for their space to the contractor, removing misinterpretation between parties.” Looking at blueprints and visualizing a space can be difficult. That is why I started J|S Design & Management, to bridge the gap between a client’s expectations and what the contractor delivers.

I know firsthand the headaches that can accompany home improvement, and I want minimize that frustration for my clients. My goal is to provide all of my clients the tools and support to complete their project with confidence.

“J | S Design and Management was founded in 2022 with a simple belief, home construction should be exciting, not stressful. My goal is to help each customer create their dream design and complete their project in a timely manner.”

-Jason Shultis